#012: HSL Best of Episode: A La Carte Selling

In this Best of episode, Coach J and the GMan discuss the negative impact A La Carte selling can have on customers and your ability to close. The automotive service experience is already a confusing and anxiety causing event for most people. Our job is to take as much anxiety out of their experience as we can — great service departments can turn it into a positive experience. The big factor of customer anxiety is the unknown expense they may incur to fix or maintain their vehicle. So when it comes time to sell, the presentation can make or break your sale, and A La Carte selling will lead to more customer anxiety .

#083: Potential

Understanding your service departments potential will dictate every way in which you operate your business. Once you know what is possible, then you are able to visualize what your operation looks like at its true potential. How many employees do you have? What goals are you setting? and the big one.. What is your customer experience like? These questions you have to ask yourself, and answer, and honestly evaluate what will take you to that next level. To unlock your true potential, everything you do has to be in service of achieving that number. In this episode, Coach J and The GMan talk about how to find your stores true earning potential, and how you can move closer to it.

#082: Industry Villains

In this episode, Coach J and The GMan discuss the current news, good and bad, in the automotive industry. They both have first hand experience being a leader in their Service Department during good times, but also. during very tough economic times, such as 2008. These times will make our business change. It does not always mean it’s going to be worse, and the businesses who make it through these times, usually come out doing even better than before. Coach J and The GMan go through their experiences in these times and give you actions you can take to succeed through it.

#011: HSL Best of Episode: Nature vs Nurture

Are good salespeople born or built? Coach J had natural talent, and some would say he was a “born salesperson”. In this episode, GMan talks to Coach J about what made him a superstar advisor, and if it was his natural charisma or a skill he had to learn. They also discuss how anyone can learn how to be a great advisor, no matter your natural abilities.

#081: Investing in Personnel Growth

Often Coach J and The GMan stress the importance of personal development, but in this episode they get into the importance of personnel training. Investing in training and development will help your team improve their skills, and handle the stresses of the job better. When you continuously train and reinforce the training, it ingrains these good habits into your workforce. As stick with the continuous training of your staff, over time you’ll build a skilled and motivated workforce, that is much more likely to stay with your company.

#010: HSL Best of Episode: Are You Winning?

In this episode, Coach J and The GMan discuss the concept of winning and what it means in your service department. They stress the need of setting goals, celebrating small victories, and continuously striving for improvement. It’s ultimately important to have a winning mindset and empathy in leadership, in order to lead a winning team. To know you are winning you must be constantly pushing past mediocrity and striving for excellence, and even then you will still ask… Am I Winning?


#080: 5 Things to Improve Service Department Performance

In this episode, Coach J and the GMan take the five things you can do today to have the biggest improvement on your Service Departments performance. These strategies are used by your hosts in dealerships all over the country and they found them to be the most impactful. Listen in to learn what they are and how you can start using them today. 

#009: HSL Best of Episode: Who’s in Charge

In this episode, Coach J and the GMan explore what happens when your top performer becomes your boss! When you have a team member that you believe you can’t live without, you run the risk of that person becoming entitled. That entitlement can turn a good employee into a bully and eventually into the person that runs the show. Once you put yourself into that position it becomes extremely difficult to lead, and almost impossible to gain back that control. Our hosts talk about their experiences first hand on how to gain and stay in charge of your department. 

#079: Strategic vs Tactical

In this episode, Coach J and G-Man discuss the differences between being strategic vs tactical in business. They discuss the separation between the two ways of thinking/executing and how both are used together. They emphasize the importance of thinking strategically and systemically to achieve desired goals. Listen in, you may be using tactics and not be thinking strategically everyday. 

#008: HSL Best of Episode: Leaders – Like vs Respected

In this episode, Coach J and the GMan discuss the importance of respect and leadership in managing people. They explore the difference between being liked and being respected, and how focusing on respect first can lead to better results. The key components of a good leader are providing clear expectations, clear directives, and . They also discuss the importance of making decisions and being open to being wrong, as well as the need for structure and standards in a team.