#007: HSL Best of Episode: Do You Have a Scoreboard?

If you don’t have a scoreboard consider this… Would you set off on a long road trip without a map? Could athletes compete without knowing the score of the game, and would anyone even watch? There are many essential aspects to building and running a successful service department, but the Scoreboard sits #1 on the list. The Scoreboard is such a powerful tool that it alone can give your team, and departments, results a sizeable boost. The affects are two-fold. It will increase the competition in the drive pushing the advisors to be at their best, and to look at who is doing better. While also giving the leader a road map to success. You have to know where you’ve been, and where you are to know where you will end up. In this episode your hosts, Coach J and The GMan, dive deep into all the ways having a Scoreboard will benefit you, and discuss another feature of their scoreboard they wouldn’t go without.