#070: 4 Things to Massively Improve Your Profits

Coach J and the GMan dig deep into their toolbox to bring four significant tools they use to help dealerships daily.

  1. Number One on the list is not a mystery; it’s our favorite topic, ELR. In this episode, the guys look at ELR in a way that may change how you look at your ELR.
  2. Take full advantage of your customer demand. This Is more than just upping your appointments or hiring more technicians.
  3. Managing your productive capacity.
  4. You and your team must believe! This is more complex than it sounds.

Thats it! Coach J and the GMan’s four things you can do to improve your profits. In a nutshell, get your pricing right, push as many customers as you can through it, make sure you have the capacity to complete the work, and finally, get your team to believe in the mission. Those are four essential ingredients to success. Obviously, there is more to doubling or tripling a service department’s gross profit, but these four will get you started down the path.

If you have questions on this topic or any others that come up, you can reach out to us here at JDI and Hard Shop Life by dripping us an email at info@jdicoaching.com